О нас



# 1 (25) 2019




Здравоохранение на страже здоровья


Все лучшее в медицине – во благо здоровья детей


Наша цель – быть лучшим в своем деле


Главное – чуткое и бережное отношение к людям


Мы дарим людям жизнь

С заботой о здоровье

Пациент в центре внимания


Мы заботимся о вашем здоровье


Лечи больного, а не болезнь


Наша забота о вашем здоровье


Ежедневная забота о здоровье людей

Здоровое население – наша забота

Собаки знают все, вернее чувствуют

Мы – за здоровое будущее, за здоровую нацию!

Здоровье  населения – главное  богатство  страны


We care about your healt



Unitary Enterprise based on the Right of Economic Management City Hospital No.2 is a multi-disciplinary medical organization that provides qualified, specialized, consultative and diagnostic medical care in the Zhambyl Region at the modern level.






The advantages of the hospital include: strong human resources, effective corporate, patient-oriented and business-oriented management. By 2020, this organization should take a leading position in the market of medical services in the Zhambyl Region. The Hospital carry out its activities in accordance with national quality assurance standards and patient safety, as part of the Guaranteed Volume of Free Medical Care. The Hospital is equipped with modern innovative technologies and has a strong team of highly qualified personnel.

 The City Hospital operates in 4 strategic areas: creating an efficient system of medical care, remaining the leading provider of medical services, building a team of highly qualified personnel, introducing innovative technologies and creating financial sustainability of the Enterprise.

The hospital provides inpatient medical care, hospital-replacing, consultative and diagnostic services. There are 6 clinical departments operating at the regional level including urological department, nephrological department, burn department, pulmonary department, nursing care department and hemodialysis department.

The hospital is accredited for 3 years and has the first category. The ratio of medical personnel who had categories was 84.3% in 2018, out of which 65% are specialists of the highest category and this owing to the sustainable involvement of the personnel management service.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan ref. No. 450 for 2018, in line with the training plan, there was a retraining of medical in compliance with the International Standard of Basic Resuscitation (BLS) and Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (ASLS), PHTLS; the ambulance driver was also trained in Safe Ambulance Driving Technique (SADTT) in compliance with the international standard.

Hospital employees improve their qualifications by studying not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the countries of near and far abroad. In recent years, specialists have been trained in South Korea, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan for priority health care disciplines.

The in-patient hospital has implemented corporate governance principles that monitor and evaluate the performance of the hospital contributing to the development of strategies and development programs. There are quarterly meetings of the Supervisory Board where issues of the development and functioning of the hospital and ways of improvement are solved with the introduction of innovative technologies.

The hospital has the only department in the region to treat burns and frostbites. Combustiologists saved a large number of human lives, incl. patients with 80% of deep burns, which is a world-class achievement. The Department of Cambustiology introduced new types of surgical intervention: displacement and transplantation of tendons; shifting layer-by-layer skin flap on the supply leg and formation of arterio-venous fistula for program hemodialysis.

Within the hospital there is a hemodialysis unit which provides specialized medical care (program hemodialysis) for patients with chronic renal failure in the terminal stage and patients with acute renal failure as well as pregnant women with complications associated with renal pathology. The capacity of the department allows simultaneous replacement therapy (program hemodialysis).

Consultative and diagnostic assistance was provided by the Regional Center for Men's Health and Family Longevity. The Center provides consultative and diagnostic assistance to adults and adolescents with urogenital system diseases and broncho-pulmonary pathology in the Zhambyl Region.

 Within the framework of “Healthy Lifestyles School”, the Regional Center repeatedly held a seminar-lecture among the teaching staff, students and general practitioners of the city to improve the sanitary culture of the male population in various aspects of healthy lifestyle, safe maternity and paternity and prevention of sexually transmitted infections called “Diagnosis and tactics of administration and treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis with lower urinary tract symptoms.” The working training program “Protect the male population is a mission of a primary health worker and nurse of male patient examination room” was designed together with Zhambyl Medical College and introduced in clinics. We are going to involve health workshops and lectures in all city and region institutions, videos production & rental, outdoor banners, distribution of flyers on “Men's Health” etc.; it means the transition from treatment to prevention. It is planned to introduce the Program for children under the age of 16 on the topic of early detection of congenital abnormalities in the development of urinary tract, instilling a healthy lifestyle, teaching body hygiene and principles of proper nutrition.

The hospital organized 2 more health schools “Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”, “Prevention of Arterial Hypertension”, medical officers conduct seminars, discussions and trainings with hospital patients using training aids.

During the year, medical officers held 35 remote correspondence consultations with the districts, which covered 209 patients whereas 39 patients were transferred to the 3rd level of inpatient treatment, and others were given recommendations. During this period, medical officers along with leading specialists of clinics held 13 telemedicine sessions to decide on further patient surveillance tactics (Astana National Scientific Medical Center, Academician B.U. Dzharbusynov Scientific Center of Urology, A.N. Syzganov National Scientific Center of Surgery, Almaty Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases). Within the framework of Air Medical Service, there were 16 missions to the regions where 59 patients were consulted.

In order to improve the quality of healthcare based on the opinion analysis and patients suggestions, the Enterprirse arranges a quarterly survey of patients. The survey outcomes showed an increase in patient satisfaction up to 78% for the reporting period. This fact is related with the active dediction of the organization's medical staff to the development of hospital services.

In order to fulfill Densaulyk State Program for the Development of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2010, the staff of the City Hospital No. 2 pays great attention to providing timely, affordable and high-quality medical care through continuous use of innovative technologies for the efficient performance of the organization.




Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова, 16В


Тел.:      +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.:     +7 702 765 20 00

                  +7 777 276 64 32


e-mail:  novaera01@bk.ru




Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»

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