О нас



# 1 (25) 2019




Здравоохранение на страже здоровья


Все лучшее в медицине – во благо здоровья детей


Наша цель – быть лучшим в своем деле


Главное – чуткое и бережное отношение к людям


Мы дарим людям жизнь

С заботой о здоровье

Пациент в центре внимания


Мы заботимся о вашем здоровье


Лечи больного, а не болезнь


Наша забота о вашем здоровье


Ежедневная забота о здоровье людей

Здоровое население – наша забота

Собаки знают все, вернее чувствуют

Мы – за здоровое будущее, за здоровую нацию!

Здоровье  населения – главное  богатство  страны


Public Health Care is on guard

for your health





The work of public health is carried out within the framework of the public health development Densaulyk State Program.


Within the State Health Program, there are Development Road Maps for 2016-2019 for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, acute stroke, oncological diseases, obstetric aid & children's services and injuries medical care.

The region has 42 legal entities, including two state institutions, seven state public utility companies and 33 state utility enterprises on the right of economic management.

In general, the region has 390 health care organizations, including 29 hospitals, 356 outpatient clinics, four sanatoriums, one rehabilitation center and five others.



Construction of new facilities requires funding. How is the health care budget spent?


In 2018, 39 facilities were put into operation, including 29 within the state-private partnership, nine were opened at the expense of the local budget and one facility was acquired. 1325.0 million KZT was allocated for construction work. During the overhaul of healthcare facilities, 6,111.5 million KZT was utilized. 250.0 million KZT was allocated from the republican budget for the construction of the regional oncologic dispensary, and 4.5 million KZT is utilized from the local budget. The facility’s commissioning is scheduled for 2018-2020. In addition, it is planned to build 40 facilities (one medical clinic, 7 medical ambulatory stations and 32 medical stations) in 2019, while 25 facilities are scheduled for 2020.

The health care budget in 2018 was 55.4 billion KZT (and 59.1 billion KZT in 2017). The guaranteed volume of free medical care is 3.2 billion KZT (18.8 billion KZT in 2017).

In 2019, the budget in the Zhambyl Region will be 55.4 million KZT including the fund of social medical insurance the Zhambyl Region Branch which is 47.6 million KZT. 4.881 billion KZT was allocated for medical care in 2018 within the outpatient facilities as part of the guaranteed volume of free medical care.




A few words about a very important thing i.e. the equipment of Emergency Medical Care.


In 2018, 252.9 million KZT was allocated for the purchase of ambulance vehicles for the Regional Emergency Medical Station, which made it possible to increase the fleet of vehicles by 23%. As of today, 121 vehicles are operating at the station.



The Health Care System always needs qualified personnel. Tell us about the medical staff of the region.


3086 doctors (3064 doctors in 2017) and 11241 mid-level employees (11107 doctors in 2017) work in the institutions of regional health care.

At the expense of the local budget, 1,689 medical workers underwent refresher courses, out of which 569 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 13 abroad; there were 4 workshops were held by foreign specialists and attended by 107 trainees.

In 2018, 30 young specialists were missing in the regional health care system, 20 of them in urban and 10 in rural organizations.

In the framework of the program “Science Degree for the sake of the Village!”, 2018 saw 122 young specialists arrived in our region (118 specialists arrived in 2017 ), 102 of them (89 specialists in 2017) were allocated to the districts.

In 2018, young professionals were granted 800 thousand KZT from the local budget. In order to provide social support 60.8 million KZT was allocated from the local budget.

In order to attract young specialists, the administration of the Regional Health Care Akimat work hand-in-hand with educational institutions, such as S.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University and Karaganda State Medical University and Semey Medical University.




What can you say about the demographic indicators in the district?


For 2018, the total mortality rate per 1000 population decreased by 1.5% versus 2017 and it is 6.39% (6.49% in 2017). The birth rate increased by 2.7% (from 23.7 % up to 24.36%), the natural increase was recorded from 16.9% to 17.9%.

There is a positive trend in the performance of medical and demographic indicators in the health sector. Infant mortality decreased by 7.7% per 1,000 live births and amounted to 7.1 (7.7 in 2017). Maternal mortality in 2018 versus the same period in 2017 decreased by 35% and the figure was 8.0.

The mortality rate from blood circulatory system deceases decreased by 10.2%, while in 2017 it was 136.0 per 100.0 thousand inhabitants, then this year it was 122.0.

The incidence of malignant tumors decreased by 0% (140.9> 139.9).

The mortality rate from malignant tumor decreased by 15.8%, while in 2017 it was 87.9 per 100.0 thousand inhabitants and then this year it was 74.0.

In 2018, 25,085 children were born in the region (24,538 children in 2017).

There are 217 heart surgery beds in the region, including 204 bed are for adults and 13 beds are for children. In 2018, 2392 people underwent coronary angiography (2342 operations in 2017), 1537 operations were performed (1573 operations in 2017), including 877 stenting operations (864 operations in 2017), 67 electrocardioboosters (ECG) (58 operations in 2017), 132 congenital defects of the heart (173 operations in 2017), acquired valvular heart disease 103 operations (126 operations in 2017), 326 aortic-coronary bypass surgery operations (248 operations in 2017).

The tuberculosis epidemiological situation improved, the tuberculosis incidence decreased by 2.5% (from 51.5 to 50.2) and mortality rate was 8.6% (dropped from 2.3 to 2.1)

In 2018, mortality from accidents, poisoning and injuries decreased by 3% and totaled 54.2%.

Much attention is paid to immunologic prophylaxis. In 2018, 97.7 % of the relevant groups of children were timely immunized (according to WHO recommendations the rate shall be 95.0%). A total of 45,491 children were vaccinated, including against 22,918 patients diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, hemophilic infection, poliomyelitis (diphtheria and pertussis + HBV + Hib + inactivated polio vaccine) while 22573 patients were given measles, rubella and measles rubeola and parotitis vaccine.




What measures have been taken to improve indicators in the health care of the region?


20 polyclinics of the region were supplied with a disease management program approved according to the roadmap for 2018-2019 has been introduced. The total number of patients registered at the clinic is 82851 (hypertension – 63778, diabetes – 17910, chronic heart failure – 1163).

As noted in the Address of the Head of State dated October 5, since January 1, 2019, a phased increase in wages is being put into effect for employees of the organization of health care.

Today, 380 people are trained in new technologies, (153 doctors and 218 mid-level specialists), which stands for 12.1%.

The Zhambyl Regional Psychiatric Dispensary and the Zhambyl Regional Narcological Dispensary are combined into a mental health center pursuant the Decree No. 213 dated November 1, 2018 by the Akimat of Zhambyl Region.

Digitalization of the healthcare industry is in progress. The medical organizations of the Zhambyl Region operate with two medical information systems. There are 15 organizations in the Elsi Med Medical Information System and 28 run Damu Med Medical Information System. There are 7439 medical workers in the Information Systems.

Thanks to the implementation of the Komek Information System, the time control indicators for the ambulance brigade have improved.




What are the challenges facing health care for 2019?


The goals are very topical: 1. To introduce High-quality Health Program. 2. To improve the availability and quality of health care. 3. To improve oncological care services. 4. To engage in proactive educational work among the population with regard to compulsory social insurance system. 5. To improve the quality of medical services within the digitalization.




Thank you for the interesting and informative conversation.




Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова, 16В


Тел.:      +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.:     +7 702 765 20 00

                  +7 777 276 64 32


e-mail:  novaera01@bk.ru




Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»

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