Наш корреспондент попросил рассказать о ОАО «Кукморский завод Металлопосуды» генерального директора Азата Ясавиевича Загидуллина, руководящего этим предприятием более 20 лет.
О работе в жестких временных рамках нам рассказал Бахыт Алданович Нурманов, генеральный директор TOO «Каз Гидро Спас».
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О зарождении компании рассказывает генеральный директор Марат Кобегенов.
# 4 (24) 2018
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Our advantage is High-Quality Materials
The territory of Kentas LLP is located in the suburbs of Almaty and it is one of the largest enterprises in the field of mining and processing of non-metallic materials in the Enbekshikazakh District. Processing of boulder-gravel-sandy raw materials at the crushing and sorting units allows the company to obtain the following materials as crushed stone of various fractions, crushed sand and the optimal mixture. These products are used in the most sought-after areas of the industry: construction of houses and industrial structures, laying of roads and asphalt pavement as well as manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.
Novoalekseevsk crushing and screening plant, the former branch of the oldest enterprise of Almaty Combine of Nonmetallic Materials in Kazakhstan, which is located near the Baiterek Village of Enbekshikazakh District was converted in Kentas LLP in 1998. The company has been on the market for more than 20 years.
Every year the products of Kentas LLP are subjected to certification laboratory tests. Over the past 10 years, the testing laboratories have never issued even a single comment on the quality products manufactured. On its own initiative to improve product quality, as well as to comply with state and interstate standards and regulations, Kentas LLP arranges quarterly standardization and laboratory testing of its products in several testing laboratories that regularly perform all the necessary tests. These tests include verification of all product parameters. For example, there are 10 tests for crushed stones, including stone density, heat and frost resistance etc. This allows you to ensure high quality products at all times, which is very important when building partnerships with customers. During its activity, Kentas LLP has acquired a large number of regular customers. This fact proves a stable quality of enterprise’s products that meets the requirements of all standards as confirmed with certificates of conformity. By the way, today there are quite a few stone crushing firms operating in the construction market of the region, which for one reason or another ignore the issues to assure quality or provide test reports and relevant certificates.
An important competitive advantage of the company is production volumes. Crushing plants due to its technical characteristics allow us to show high production performance. Kentas LLP has a significantly higher production capacity than its competitors. Large warehouses are also an advantage; they allow to supply customers with the necessary finished products in the required volume in period between seasons.
The supplier of spare parts for crushing equipment is the Russian Uralmashzavod, which specializes in the development, production and sale of crushing and screening units for the mining industry. The set of equipment includes all necessary mechanisms to ensure an uninterrupted production process of inert materials, which are fine and medium crushing units, screw crusher, conveyor and mesh screen.
The enterprise is notable for its fleet of mining equipment. Today, the fleet of mining equipment is represented by the following equipment: dump trucks, excavators, graders, bulldozers and loaders.
The statement that the enterprise has very good conditions is evidenced by the fact that around 70% of the employees who started their career here in 2006, are still employed despite the burden and complexity of the three-shift work and non-stop production. There is a large household room with shower and hot water designed for the working staff. Another important aspect which is worth mentioning is the carrier promotion precisely for those workers who have been working at the enterprise for more than one year as long as they have an appropriate education. This way of looking at the career growth also encourages the employees to work better and care for the production. For example, in case of breakdowns and crashes, no employee leaves the workplace until the problem is solved.
Serious problems may represent a training of workers for the construction industry. What can I say, today there is not even a university that would train specialists for the mining and processing industry... Therefore, the enterprise has to actively engage in personnel training given the high risk of the production process.
In 2013, according to the results of the nationwide rating, Kentas LLP entered the top 20 enterprises in Kazakhstan. According to the National Doing Business Rating, the Enterprise was awarded the distinction “Industry Leader” in 2013 and 2015. The company's products were awarded with “Altyn Sapa” Prize. The National Doing Business Rating demonstrates the level of success and stability of Kazakhstan enterprises among similar in size, type of economic activity and business coverage.
Gusev Mikhail, the first head of the enterprise, was educated in the United States, Seattle, he is a master of law, a Ph.D. candidate at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Адрес редакции:
Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,
ул. Кожамкулова, 16В
Тел.: +7 (727)233 50 42
Моб.: +7 702 765 20 00
+7 777 276 64 32
e-mail: novaera01@bk.ru
Издается с января 2014 г.
Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.
Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»