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Introduction of modern technologies in clinical cytology for cancer screening in the republic of Kazakhstan

The problem of increase in oncologic diseases is challenging nowadays. According to World Health Organization (WHO), oncologic mortality takes the second place after cardiovascular diseases. WHO predicts that morbidity and mortality from malignant diseases worldwide will have increased by 1.5 – 2 times by 2020. According to the scientific research, growth in oncopathology in the world will occur primarily due to pulmonary cancer, gastrointestinal tract cancer, prostate and breast cancer, as well as cervical cancer. Global data show that each year about 370000 – 500000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed worldwide, and about 231000 women die from it each year.





Analysis of statistics of oncological service of the RK for 2013 testifies that there is a growth tendency in oncologic illnesses in the country. Thus, death rate from oncological diseases in Kazakhstan takes the second place in structure of death rate of the population. Annually 17,000 people die from cancer, 42% of them are people of able-bodied age. Within the last two years in the republic the absolute number of people with malignant new tumors has increased from 30,299 in 2011 to 32,005 in 2012 (according to indicators of oncological service of the RK for 2013).

Therefore, in the last years the government pays much attention to and allocates huge means for preventive maintenance and early diagnostics of oncologic diseases. All these actions are carried out within the framework of the Government program of reforming and development of public health services in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The given program is actively participated by the notstate organisation called «Wellness Centre of Massimov» LLP. The help of the given organisation includes not only charity, but also participation in a professional training, holding international conferences and searches of ways of early diagnostics, and carrying out screening of population of the RК on cancer revealing.

One of effective ways of detection of an early cancer is the method of clinical cytology. The clinical cytology is a basis of morphological verification (editor’s note: verification is confirmation of the diagnosis supposed to be ultrasound investigation by means of other accurate methods) of pathological processes and diseases of the person of tumoral nature and remains to the most effective and leading in laboratory diagnostics. Cytomorphological studying of preparations and cellular estimation of pathological processes have expanded possibility of correct verification of tumoral diseases at an early stage of development. Thanks to possibilities to reveal early tumoral transformation, the method of clinical cytology is widely used in screening inspections of population. In process of development of new technologies in a biological science (immunehystochemical, cytofluorometric, FISH and morphometric researches) the cytology method has gradually turned to independent branch with a scientific and practical bias.

Possibility of recognition of tumoral processes at early stages, has allowed using a method of cytology for screening of female population of the RК. Within the framework of the Government program of reforming and development of public health services in the Republic of Kazakhstan routine inspections of women of reproductive age have been held since 2005 (Editor’s note: The order of MoH of the RK №607 dated 15.10.2007 «About perfection of routine inspections of separate categories of adult population»), and in 2008 the program on stage-by-stage cytologic screening of cervical cancer under PAP test with interpretation of results on new Bethesda classification (TBS) was introduced.

#1 (1) 2014














Ғылым түйініндегі жаңалық


Открытия  на стыке наук


Discovery at the juncture of science

Introduction of modern technologies in clinical cytology for cancer screening in the republic of Kazakhstan



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The given classification of a systematic estimation of cytologic criteria is considered the most adapted for clinical physicians, it allows to standardise diagnosis statement, tactics of treatment and supervision over patients, includes adequacy and objectivity of the sample, allowing to reveal early forms of cancer. The most part of the oncological diseases in Kazakhstan can be revealed by a cytologic method and diagnosed at early stages (a tumour of a mammary gland, skin, cervix, gullet, stomach, a liver, colon and rectum, prostate glands) by carrying out screening programs.

The operational experience of many countries in the world testifies that use of cytologic screening promoted decrease in neglect of cervical cancer and increase in indicators of early forms of this disease.

Since 2011 the innovative technology including a method of liquid cytology with automatic colouring of preparations, devices «Cytofast CА», «Cell Scan-100», «Cell Scan-200» have been applied stage by stage, which allow to receive high-quality monolayer preparations. Use of the given technology allows to considerablylower a share of false negative results (20 – 25%) of cytologic research, to raise accuracy of differential diagnostics, to expand possibilities of screening researches at a various gynecologic pathology.

All this raises efficiency of revealing cervical cancer at early stages. Introduction of new technologies for screening in the RK is carried out by «Wellness Centre of Massimov» LLP. The centre is engaged in the solution of the vital issues of improvement of the population’s health by introduction of the newest methods of diagnostics together with partners from near and far abroad.

Since 2011 the Center works on introduction of new technologies for early diagnostics of cervical cancer together with partners from South Korea.

On the basis of WCM there is a Centralized cytologic laboratory (CCL) which carries out coordination of activity of cytologists of the RK, and also is a training and consulting center with attraction of experts and scientists from Kazakhstan, South Korea, the USA, Japan and other countries of near and far abroad.




WCM and the Southern Korean company «Cell & Tech Bio» have gratuitously equipped cytologic laboratories in all regions of the RK with LBC devices such as Cell Scan-100, Cell Scan-200, and Cell Scan-1500, corresponding to the international standards. Along with it WCM LLP constantly updates the equipment to more perfect models which guarantee high quality of investigated preparations, great volume, high efficiency and safety for the personnel.

Experts-cytologists of screening researches on revealing of cervical cancer and engineers on equipment service were trained in South Korea at the expense of WCM.

A workshop for experts of gynecologists and the laboratorians rendering primary medical-sanitary help to the population was held in centralised cytologic laboratory of WCM from February 5 to February 8, 2014 with the purpose of improvement of quality of cervical screening and increase of its efficiency. And also from February 18 to February 23, 2014 the international master class on a topic «International standards and new technologies in screening oncologic illnesses» was held with the invitation of professors I.Kim and S.Mun from South Korea for cytologists of all regional oncological clinics. The master-class was held according to the plan of Institute of improvement of doctors. Expenses on training for doctors-cytologists from regions have been compensated at the expense of Wellness center of Massimov.

Activity of WCM is directed at introduction of innovative technology, for improvement of population of RK by preparation of experts of the international level.

Introduction of new technologies in daily practice demands preparation of highly-skilled personnel for development of laboratory of cytomorphological diagnostics. Now, thanks to unique technologies and the equipment, there was a possibility of remote consultations and training to a subject «Clinical cytology», which is direct in the course of the analysis of preparations. For today in a subject arsenal «Clinical cytology» there are qualified experts, the modern equipment, manuals - managements, the monographies, special periodicals, etc. All the clinical cytology along with other methods of laboratory diagnostics will correspond to the international standards as a highly effective method.

On the basis of CCL of WCM the further introduction of hi-tech methods of modern level is planned: the automatic screening differentiating norm and pathology, equipment of cytologic laboratories with microscopes of a high class with the videochamber and the computer allowing archiving the microscopic image and to spend remote teleconsultations. All it will raise efficiency and quality of cytologic screening.




Now the cytologic method can be added to the molecular-biological methods, allowing improving an end result. Introduction of a method of liquid cytology in 2011-13 in the RK has allowed to considerably lower a share of false negative results (by 20 – 25%) of cytologic research, has raised accuracy of differential diagnostics, has expanded possibilities of screening researches at a various gynecologic pathology and has raised efficiency of revealing cervical cancer at early stages.

The WCM specialists assign the big hope for successful work on screening of population of the RК on revealing early oncologic pathology and its timely treatment to the further partnership of businessmen and professional experts.








врача-цитолога в РК


Использование метода клинической цитологии является эффективным не только в диагностике онкозаболеваний и верификаций морфологического диагноза, но и востребовано при скрининге населения РК.







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Теперь наша страна может стать не только главным мировым центром антиалкогольного туризма, потеснив Швейцарию и Израиль, но и единственным экспортером высокоинтеллектуального продукта, не имеющего аналогов, и широко востребованного в любой стране....



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Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»


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