О нас



Dulat Kalitov, company «Geotherm» «Innovations in hydrogeology

of Kazakhstan»


Issues of drinking water supply of high quality in kazakhstan are the most important task of improving people’s health, so this is our priority. It is necessary to use the potential of groundwater extensively and apply a systematic approach in the construction of new water supply facilities.


The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev



Production Company «Geoterm» is a complex diversified enterprise offering their services on the Kazakhstan market of geological exploration.

A wide range of services provided by the company, the ability to achieve the objectives, often unusual and very complex, requires its professionals to conduct a comprehensive analysis of prior information.

The successful solution of such a wide range of issues is achieved through effective interaction of employees of all divisions of the company and the presence of a modern material and technical base. About the company successes and opportunities tells general director Dulat Kazhkenovich Kalitov.






- Dulat kazhkenovich, we know that for a long time you are working at the kazakh National Research technical university named after k.i. Satpayev. How did you came over the idea to create “Geoterm” production company?


- The company was founded in 2008, until that time, I worked in system of higher education. I graduated Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, and after graduation I was invited to stay and work at my Alma Mater. I started as an engineer and then I headed the Komsomol organization of Polytechnic Institute, which included more than 7000 members on that time, it was one of the largest structures in Kazakhstan.

Two years later I returned to the Department of Hydrogeology, I was engaged in scientific and teaching activity. Then I was appointed as a Deputy Dean of the Faculty, on this position I worked for 5 years, then I worked at the Administration of the University as a Head of Educational and Methodical department, Head of scientific management. I returned to my Department later as a Head. Three years later I was appointed as a Director of Geological Institute named after K. Turysov, which was established on the basis of Faculty of Geological prospection. It means that before creation of the company I had an experience in educational, research and administrative activities.

Production Company “Geoterm” – a specialized company, mainly engaged in exploration of groundwater, which is one of the most important reserves that are in the ground and have a lot of varieties.

The most important type is drinking water used for water supply, so-called fresh water. In addition, there are thermal groundwater, which have high potentials of temperature and can be used for different purposes – thermal power, to generate electricity and so on.

Industrial groundwater has specific components which can be extracted for industrial purposes. For example, iodine, bromine etc. Mineral groundwater has balneological value used in treatment of many diseases. Groundwater is also widely used for agriculture, irrigation. Water is a natural resource that is vital and is the object of our work. We manufacture a full cycle of exploration on groundwater. In addition, we are engaged in construction and installation works, connecting the well to the consumer with the development of all necessary documentation.

We have state licenses, machinery and equipment to provide services of that kind. Sufficient material and technical equipment allows the company to successfully carry out large volumes of exploration, design, survey and construction work.

The company has drilling rigs 1BA-15B type on the basis of MAZ 5334 vehicle, URB2A2 based on URAL vehicle, A-50 on the basis of Kraz 257, geophysical logging station, equipment for well logging, analytical laboratory, cargo handlers, cranes, excavators, trucks, off-road vehicles, compressor units, mobile buildings “Office”, “Dining”, “Residential” and others.

We also have computer equipment with updated MODFLOW software complex for groundwater modelling of Schlumberger Water Services.

The company is headquartered in the office area of 400 m2. The production base is located in Karasai district of Almaty region.

In addition, the company has certified chemical laboratory, where the latest research methods and analysis are applied.

Thanks to this technical base we are able to do all the work full-cycled. During the period of work conducted a number of works under the order of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use, Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Education and Science. On the basis of our experience we can carry out not only research, but also research and production work, bearing practical value to the country. Geology is a very complex sphere. Without fundamental and applied knowledge it is impossible to work as a geologist, therefore geology and production are closely linked. Everything flows from one to another. In our sphere of work specialist with scientific experience is closely linked with the practice, and it helps a lot to carry out working process.




#2 (14) 2016







Легкая промышленность













Дулат Калитов, компания «Геотерм» «Инновации в гидрогеологии Казахстана»


Dulat Kalitov, company «Geotherm» «Innovations in hydrogeology of Kazakhstan»



Ждите революционного взрыва в геологии



Невозможное - возможно



Казахскому  институту картофелеводства и овощеводства – 70 Лет !



Нелегкий путь легкой промышленности\






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Благотворительное медобслуживание

от госпиталя «Кангнам Северанс»


Новое оружие против малярии



Предприниматели алматинской области подвели итоги


#2 (14) 2016






Легкая промышленность













Дулат Калитов, компания «Геотерм» «Инновации в гидрогеологии Казахстана»

Ждите революционного взрыва в геологии

Невозможное - возможно

Казахскому  институту картофелеводства и овощеводства – 70 Лет !

Нелегкий путь легкой промышленности

Кали Томпиев.

Первостроитель Медного гиганта

Музыка сердец: Forte music fest – 2016

Аблай Мырзахметов отчитался о работе «Атамекен»

ЕБРР выделил средства на программу «Женщины в бизнесе»

VIII конгресс кардиологов республики Казахстан

Кафе, где работают особенные люди

ПИТ представил центр компетенций ГМК

Мобильники можно заряжать от тела человека

Железные дороги станут пластиковыми

Казахстанцы стали меньше тратить на мобильную связь

Tele2 демонстрирует рост основных показателей

Отпуск через 30 лет

Благотворительное медобслуживание

от госпиталя «Кангнам Северанс»

Новое оружие против малярии

Предприниматели алматинской области подвели итоги




- What are the goals and achievements of the company?


- Our goal –  to become one of the leading hydrogeological company in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In fact we are leaders, if we evaluate parameters such as the volume of work, human resources, quality and professionalism. Now our task is to define their participation in innovative areas that are strategically important for Kazakhstan. This, above all, the involvement to the energy potential of geothermal resources of Kazakhstan, which are nontraditional renewable energy sources.

Kazakhstan have has a huge potential in thermal water, we have a number of artesian basins, where they are of great practical importance, especially for heat and power purposes, based on them we can build powerful greenhouse clusters, and this directly affects the reduction of production costs. It can also give an impulse to the development of commercial fisheries, spa treatment and a number of other areas of production.

Next: we have areas where groundwater is contaminated, for example, in Aktobe region, where groundwater polluted with hexavalent chromium, boron, in Pavlodar region with mercury, in East-Kazakhstan region with industrial waste, in Western regions with oil. Polluted groundwater, in turn, may contaminate surface water, and that’s all threatened by environmental disasters, pollution of ecosystems, so we need to sound the alarm, to develop methods of purifying groundwater. One of these methods, by order of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources of Kazakhstan was applied in the area of Ilek river, Aktobe region.On that area (80 ha) used insitu treatment technology from hexavalent chromium.

As a result, toxic hexavalent chromium reduced to nontoxic trivalent chromium. This innovative technology of cleaning groundwater requires further development and practical application of processes to ensure the environmental safety of the territories, especially in the industrial areas.

Third, the creation of innovative cartographic basis involving groundwater in the implementation of state and regional programs: providing settlements with quality drinking water; watering of pastures; land irrigation for growing crops; balneology and tourism development on the basis of mineral and thermal water. Mapping and information database presented in the form of Atlas with hydrogeological maps based on GIS technologies.







- Those who work in the ranks of your company?


- Human resources of “Geoterm” production company consist of experienced hydrogeologists, including PhD, Masters in sphere of hydrogeology, and self-motivated, inquisitive young specialists – bachelors and engineers. The number of employees is equal to 220 people.

We are proud to note that “Geoterm” has a lot of young specialists – around 90% of our company are younger than 30. In total, since 2008, on the basis of “Geoterm” more than 84 students of Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev passed professional and pre-diploma practice, among them: 21 students accepted for further work in the company “Geoterm”. More than 80 theses were written on the data obtained in the company. They started from college interns under the guidance of mentors, thus in the process of learning, learning from experience. After a while, most of them we were able to entrust an independent management facilities. In our company students in their free time has an opportunity to improve their educational level, among them we highlight as potential candidates for further cooperation and help with educational courses. We ourselves help to grow up to our specialists and to our company as well.

Hydrogeologist should understand the basic objectives of our specialization on which to base all our activities. Young people are good at application of information technologies to help in modeling of hydrogeological systems. We purchased the necessary software to study, invited designers from Canada, which is held on the basis of our company’s training. Our young people are constantly improving their skills in leading institutions and scientific centers of Russia. For these things we do not regret means and not lag behind the progressive hydrogeological community to keep pace with the times.





- What business is similar and what is different from science classes?



- Business – it’s interesting. Science allows business to stay one step ahead and lets you make the right decisions.

Here are some examples of my own practice. In Soviet times, in one of the villages of Issyk district water supply conducted from springs, there were problems with floods and water was of low quality. It was necessary to drill a well. In the analysis area, substantially anhydrous, it became clear that a lot of wells have been drilled, but the result was not achieved. When we adjusted, we realize that we need to drill deeper: not for 350 m, but for 500 m. After that we got fresh water with high production of wells. Here geological issues become higher then economical, we deliberately went to an increase in costs and achieved results that no one could have predicted. Because of applying knowledge in this sphere we got the result where previously considered area of bad groundwater conditions. The problem was solved thanks to a correct understanding of the hydrogeological conditions of the site. A similar story occurred during the drilling of deep well on thermal mineral water for one of the health resorts in Kazakhstan, where due to expanding ranges of testing we had unique balneological water with high concentration of iodine and silica. This is an example of merging science and business is yielding results.

We performed a very interesting innovative work for Kazakhstan – evaluated the entire country for the disposal of industrial waste water into the subsoil, found suitable areas as a reservoirs, have made and published maps of different scales, issued a handbook of natural reservoirs. Now these data used for practical use. We recently entered into a five-year agreement on scientific support work on the disposal of industrial waste at the site of a major manufacturing company. On the basis of our card and handbook published teaching materials for students in Kazakhstan.







- Recently, the owners of fairly large companies actively involved in the management of their business, find the time and the ability to teach others. Given your extensive teaching experience, what would you recommend to a young, budding businessmen?


 – Most importantly you should never be afraid of difficulties. The second is to set big tasks, high goals and achieve them. The third is to learn not to be afraid and do not be shy to ask, learn from best practices. Continuing to work on yourself.








- Our land is rich in mineral resources. Some media reported that resources are sufficient at the maximum for 30years. What will happen to kazakhstan in the future under your forecasts, taking into account the specifics of your company?


- Groundwater is renewable mineral resources, so they are virtually inexhaustible. The main thing is to use them efficiently and not pollute, take care and manage efficiently this important natural resource.




- What scientist and businessman Dulat kalitov is dreaming about?


 - Philosophical question. Our grandparents always answered as if only there was no war. Our generation has dreams of stability; it creates peace of mind, and therefore the conditions for creative work, the possibility of making plans and dreaming.













Калитов Дулат Кажкенович


С 2008 года по настоящее время – генеральный директор ТОО «Производственная компания «Геотерм». Почетный работник образования РК. Почетный разведчик недр РК. Отличник разведки недр РК. Академик Академии минеральных ресурсов РК.








«Производственная компания «Геотерм»


Основана в 2008 году.

 Награждена медалью «Сала БасШысы 2014», получен национальный сертификат «ЛидеР отРасЛи 2014».





Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова,16В


Тел.:  +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.: +7 702 765 20 00

            + 7 777 276 64 32


e-mail: novaera01@bk.ru

Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»


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