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# 2 (26) 2019




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LifeMed Holding


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Early Cancer Diagnosis saves lives


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The main thing is to faithfully serve

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The Kyzylorda Regional Mental Health Center is the largest medical institution in the region. As part of the state program “Road Map 2020” and the decision of Krymbek Kusherbayev the regional administrator (Akim), since December 2018 the regional narcological center and mental health center united and became one institution. Thanks to this, it became easy for patients to be examined and enjoy the prescribed treatment. Previously, this experience was implemented in other areas of the country and showed good results.Now in Kyzylorda the same practice will be put in place. Today, a great deal of attention is being given to updating the material and technical facilities of the center and training local personnel. Today, highly skilled doctors work here who treat patients for drug and alcohol addiction. There are also mentally ill people under the supervision of specialists.





Since the center consists of two medical institutions, each has its own story.For example, the history of a mental health center has been rooted from the beginning of the twentieth century.6 regions were located in the present territory of Kazakhstan, including Syr-Darya region by 1900, which was part of the Turkestan Governor-General.By 1907, there were a total of 49 psychiatric beds in this vast territory, that is, 0.01 beds per 1000 population or one bed per 53 mentally ill patients. The acute shortage of wards for patients has led to the need to open a new psychiatric hospital.To this end,in the presence of the military governor, 1907saw a solemn openingof the PerovskyZemskyHospital for the mentally ill for 49 beds.It was a historic event for the region.

Since 1932, doctors began to actively implement occupational therapy in treatment. Male patients wove baskets, made bookshelves and chess pieces.And women knitted lace, warm clothes from wool and sewed stuffed toys.To improve the treatment and diagnostic work, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a physiotherapy room opened, new methods of treatment, and insulin therapy began to be applied. At that time, patients were admitted to hospital from various regions of Kazakhstan including from Ufa, Tashkent and Saratov.

During the Great Patriotic War, a military hospital and the Department of Psychiatry and Neuropathology of the Crimean State Medical Institute were located within the facilities of the hospital for a long time.

It should be noted that in 1975 there was a reorganization of the regional psychiatric service, that is, the Karaozek regional psychiatric hospital and the regional children's psychiatric hospital were merged into the Kyzylorda regional psychoneurological hospital with a capacity of 620 beds.

In 2000, the mayor of the city of Kyzylorda decided to move the hospital to the former building of the psychochronous boarding school. At this time, the regional psychoneurological hospital was already functioning for 420 beds and there was a day hospital for 50 places. The chambers, treatment rooms, buffets and canteens for patients were completely redesigned. A Disinfecting Chamber, an X-ray room, an EEG room, a sterilization room, 8 walking yards for patients, 9 sheds, street toilets, 5 garages, an elevator hub and a freezing warehouse were also built anew. In addition, 3 water pumping stations were installed on the Hospital's territory for irrigating the plant's green plantings and a telephone connection was established.

At the end of 2017, the Kyzylorda Regional Psychoneurological Hospital National Public Establishment became a public utility company. It was renamed “Kyzylorda Regional Medical Health Center”.

To date, the hospital is designed for 330 beds. The facilities of the center include 9 psychiatric departments. These are 4 male wards with 145 beds, 2 female wards with 95 beds, 2 neurosis & borderline conditions wards with 55 beds and a children's ward with 55 beds.

Since the beginning of the year, 638 patients with mental and behavioral disorders were hospitalized and 591 of them were treated.Out of all patients, 318 people were hospitalized on a planned basis, it was 49.8%. As the statistics show, there were no involuntarily hospitalized and deceased patients. Also, 5 patients with recovery were discharged, and 579 Kyzylorda citizens were discharged with the health improvements.

The material and technical facilities of the center are improving every year. Thanks to the support of the Government, there is an opportunity to for advanced training of doctors. Recently, a specialist from Germany arrived at the regional center. Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Neurology GudronRichtar conducted a seminar.For 21 days, he lectured on the treatment of mentally ill patients. Thanks to this, the center's specialists expanded their knowledge and got acquainted with the experience of the German professor.

В центре психического здоровья пациентов лечат специальными лекарствами. С больными работают психологи, психотерапевты, олигофрен-педагоги, дефектологи, логопеды, терапевты и невропатологи. Функционируют аппараты ЭКГ и ЭГГ.

Mental Health Center treats the patients with special medicines. Psychologists, psychotherapists, oligophrenic teachers, defectologists and speech therapists, therapists and neuropathologists work with patients. ECG and EGG apparatus are functioning.

Now I would like to dwell on the history of the regional drug treatment center. The history of this institution also begins since the twentieth century. In 1907, the narcological department was opened at the Perovskaya Zemsky hospital for the mentally ill patients. Then there were treated heavy drinkers and patients who were poisoned by narcotic drugs. In 1982, for the first time, a 60- bed regional narcological dispensary opened. At that time, Marat Kalmakhanov was appointed the chief physician. Thanks to his professionalism, perseverance and hard work, a new institution was brought to life.

Now the regional drug treatment center has great achievements. Drug treatment centers are open in many educational institutions and enterprises. Highly qualified doctors are on duty there. For the purpose of occupational therapy, a sewing workshop works at the center. All prerequisites for sport activities have been created. Narcologists regularly visit patients at home. There is a special room in the center for seeing patients and relatives. If you want to enter the institution there are internal rules, therefore outsiders are not allowed. A few years ago, the center moved to the former regional hospital building. Due to this, the opportunity to improve the material and technical facilities of the dispensary was announced. 30 beds ward for children and teenagers was opened, there is also a rehabilitation center for 30 beds. The list of patients who have been registered in the base of the center has been included in the Nashakor computer software. The center additionally opened vacancies for a dentist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist and therapist. Particular attention is paid to the work of psychologists, the offices of physiotherapists and psychotherapists were opened for the first time.

In order to improve their skills, the center's specialists take one-week courses in neighboring regions.Thanks to medical tourism, the opportunity to study abroad has appeared. A close cooperation has been established with the republican scientific and practical center of psychology, psychotherapy and narcology of Pavlodar. Every year, with the participation of students of the medical college and the Orkeniet college, campaign events are organized to combat drug addiction. The narcology center has 7 departments. Here, patients are treated in voluntary and compulsory ways.

Currently, the center employs 30 doctors and 140 workers in the secondary major; there are 8 medical psychologists. Among them, 5 doctors are the winners of  “The Best Healthcare Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan” medals and one specialist received “Altyn Doctor” (“Golden Doctor”) Title. 33.3% are highest category doctors, another 33.3% are doctors of the first category.

The drug treatment center today has great achievements. In 2015, the center received a prize in the nomination "The best medical center of the city."Co-workers of medical institutions regularly participate in sports competitions and show good results. The sports and athletic games are organized annually among medical institutions in the region. For several years, employees of the mental health center have been holding a challenge cup. The children of the institution employees compete with each other each year in the Great Sparta.Thanks to this, thechildren began to communicate with each other and showed cohesion in their team.

Now the process of combining the two organizations into one institution is almost completed. There are ambitious plans and goals аfor the future. The most important thing is to faithfully serve the people.



Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова, 16В


Тел.:      +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.:     +7 702 765 20 00

                  +7 777 276 64 32


e-mail:  novaera01@bk.ru




Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»

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