О нас



# 1 (17) 2017

















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«Геология - это перспективно»


Nikolai Kamenskiy:

«Geology means opportunity»



Тимур Құлыбаев:

«Біз геологиялык барлауды кайта жандандыруымыз керек!»


Тимур Кулибаев: «Нам нужно возрождать геологоразведку!»



Өңірлік бағдарлама бойынша алматы қаласында 3000 сауда орнын құру ұсынылды


В Алматы прошла ежегодная конференция предпринимателей



Совет ветеранов Казахстана отмечает




Давайте говорить о хорошем, и мир станет лучше!



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«На базе того богатства, которое имеет казахстан, мы можем стать…»



Эффективные организации работодателей


Effective employers’ organizations



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Время первых.

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Birth  of  a  new  little  star


Effective employers’ organizations


Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan have organized a unique Seminar «Effective Employers’ Organization», which was held in the Southern Capital of Kazakhstan (Almaty) on March 15-17, 2017 and conducted by the International Training Center (Turin, Italy) and the International Labor Organization (ILO ITC) for Sectoral Associations and Employers’ Associations who are CERK Members.






The training was based on the new ILO thinking, innovations and Insights for the development of Employers’ Associations and Unions.

Various Business Schools, Universities and other Educational Institutions are now rarely able to offer comprehensive training for the unique set of knowledge, competencies and skills required for the optimal performance of the Employers’ Associations and Unions. This was the key objective of the Training Course of the ILO ITC.

The main objectives of the Trainingsare to discuss the business representation in Kazakhstan, to improve the strategy for the development of membership, to evaluate and to examine the portfolio of services provided by the Associations and Unions, to review Best Practices and tools for lobbying and advocacy as well as the Key Values of Good Governance in the Employers’ Associations and Unions.

The Speakers of the Seminar are the leading specialists of the International Training Centre Paolo Salvai and Employers Specialist of Moscow Office of the International Labour Organisation Vladimir Curovic.

The participants of the Training Seminar are the leading industry associations of the country and representatives of the Confederation of Employers (Employers) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including “Union of Food Industry Enterprises of Kazakhstan”, “Engineering Union of Kazakhstan”, “Association of Kazakhstan Furniture and Woodworking Industries,” “Union of Industrialists and Employers’ of South-Kazakhstan Region”,”Association of Industrialists and Employers’ of Aktobe Region of Kazakhstan” “Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs” and others.

During the Workshops, the audience discussed the examples of good practices of Employers’ Organizations in various spheres and shared the expert information with regard to Kazakhstani environment.

It should be noted that the dynamic and exciting activities of the participants were linked to researches, experiments, theories and methodologies. The Coaches have noted unusually high involvement of students during all sessions of the seminar and expressed their gratitude.

The plenary sessions involved interactive tools represented bypaired interviews, brainstorming, views sharing, studies with the help of an interactive session, etc.

Furthermore, the Coaches have used a peer-to-peer comparison that allowed to show the general picture and peculiarities, for which they gave some examples of basic and new opportunities for the development of industry associations and unions applying different systems and approaches. New ideas and services proposed arerequired to restructure the current portfolio of services, which are no longer adequate in the new environment.

Now, the participants will be able to:

• Better understand the environment where the association and Employers’ Unions operate as well as the Issues they are confronted with;

• Evaluate and improve strategies and methods of lobbying and advocacy;

• Use of new channels and methods to ensure internal and external communications;

 • Develop further strategies and apply best practices and insights for the services provided by associations, unions and concerned companies;

• Develop further strategies to improve the policy of membership and governance structure in Employers’ Associations and Unions.

Confederation of Employers(Entrepreneurs) of the Republic expressed gratitude to Vladimir Curovic, Chief Specialist of the ILO Moscow Office for employers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, who held the useful Seminar “Effective Employers’ Organization” in concert with Paolo Salvai ITC Specialist.

The hosts of the Seminar are confident that the seminar participants represented by the managers and specialists of Associations and Unions, who are the members of Confederation and its partners, will review their activities and develop new strategies and long-term action plans taking into account the new approaches recommended by the ILO in accordance with the International standards.





Our reference

About the Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs)

of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in 1999 in accordance withthe initiative of the Republican Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

As early as on May 23, 2000, the Cooperation Program was entered into between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Labour Organisation. This Cooperation Program was designed on the basis of the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the one hand, and on the basis of the New Strategic Concept of the ILO on other hand, as well as on the basis of the Active Partnership Policy. The Cooperation Program drew special attention to the interests of social partners, who are Employers’ Associations and Trade Union Associations.

Today, the Confederation brings together the most proactive, law-abiding employers, who are entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, supporters of an active lifestyle and are rich in high intellectual potential. Since the day of establishment of the Confederation, the nine Assemblies were held.

Thanks to close cooperation between the Confederation and the ILO, the Leadership and Members of CERK have attended many workshops devoted to various areas of the ILO Training Programs.

Employers’ Organizations play an important role in social and economic development. While representing various sectors, regions and companies of different sizes, the Employers’ Organizations are of great importance to cooperate with the government as they are a source of information about the primarily issues of the development of the private sector as they express the need to create favorable conditions for businesses in order to support economic development and create jobs. Moreover, it acts as a partner to discuss and define a large range of policies for private sector development, including taxation, infrastructure, trade, social affairs and labor market reforms.


Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова,16В


Тел.:  +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.: +7 702 765 20 00

            + 7 777 276 64 32


e-mail: novaera01@bk.ru

Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»


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