О нас




create a beautiful smile!



Against the backdrop of the overall economic growth in Kazakhstan, the number of medical centers, new dental clinics and pharmacies grew till 2015. The brightest positive dynamics could be seen in Almaty. To date, in Kazakhstan there are approximately 570 public and 1,165 private dental clinics with the total number of dentists making 5,878. The global financial crisis has affected all industries and severely hurt the sector of dental services. To the contrary, Doctor-Stom is on the strong track and surely leads the industry. How do they do that? Mr. Raukhat Amerzhanovich Ruziyev, lead professional of the clinic, tells his story of success.





– Raukhat Amerzhanovich, please tell us what influenced your career choice? Where were you trained?


– As a matter of fact, in my school days I was fond of exact sciences rather than natural ones. But closer to graduation from the school my father told me – you should study to be a dentist, get ready. So I started digging in chemistry and biology. In 1999 I applied to the Admission Board of D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, successfully passed entrance exams and was enrolled at the Faculty of Dentistry. During my 4th year at the University we began studying a new discipline – orthodontics, which appeared to be of great interest to me. This work is painstaking; it requires indepth knowledge of biomechanics. To put a tooth to where it should naturally be with pinpoint precision, create an aesthetic appearance and make it stand for years to come so that people feel no discomfort – this is a fascinating and time-taking process

In 2003 orthodontics was still weak in Kazakhstan, practically, at its planning stage; therefore I had to learn a lot from European specialists. I took a great many training courses, attended various international workshops, congresses, symposiums, and forums.

My goal is self-perfecting in orthodontics, which is rapidly developing. Any delay is far-reaching – we should keep pace with the world, be in step with the time. In total I completed more than 50 various highly specialized modules.

Having treated a good deal of patients, I could tell that state-of-the art technology, comfort and natural appearance are of great value for them. Orthodontics is a wonder of delicate workmanship, you know, every patient has a unique bite and individual features, but the goal is just the same – to create a beautiful and natural smile. I discovered a new area in orthodontics – super aesthetics – aimed at making a smile harmonized with external facial parameters and drawing the eye.




– What difficulties have you faced with in your work?


– In 2004-2005, while taking an internship, we were taught the old technology, so I had to look up and learn new information by myself, attend expensive courses and seminars. Moreover, I lacked practice.




– Please tell about the competitive strengths of your clinic. What innovations are you proud of as a path-breaking clinic in Kazakhstan?


– Orthodontics is the focal area of our clinic. This is our market niche, our competitive strength. We are the one and only clinic, which provides a full range of services in this, the most searched and pressing, direction. It is orthodontics, which is our forte; we invest considerable amounts in training of our doctors, specialized equipment, and diagnostics. On top of that, our prices are far more loyal and service quality higher as compared to other clinics. Positive stability and guarantee of highquality services are of importance for the patients and this is the very thing we provide.

Thorough diagnosis, elaborate study of 3D dental images, analysis of bone tissue, teeth position, etc. – all these allow us to take pride in the results of our work and receive positive feedback from our patients. And it is well worth it. In addition, today many companies review their price lists due to the national currency devaluation. We keep our prices stable, unchanged. It is done, above all, to avoid discomfort for our patients.

What is more, we immediately response to all innovations and technologies in dentistry and orthodontics and take every effort to implement them in our clinic.

For example, I was the first dentist certified for application of 3D lingual system (bracket system installed from the inside). As soon as Invisalign system appeared in the CIS, I was among the first doctors in Kazakhstan who received the certificates at the Orthodontists Congress

To date I have achieved 8 different certifications, master classes, attended a number of conferences and symposiums.

New knowledge gives us a great pull over competitors




– For many people, to visit a dentist means a severe stress.


– Yet dentistry, which triggers positive emotions only, still exists. We treat without pain, relieve from discomfort and fear, help to gain self-confidence, and find solutions in the most complex and desperate situations. Our state-of-the-art and comfortable dentistry with vast experience and advanced technologies values its reputation and always finds individual approach to every patient. Interactive equipment enables our patients to forget about pain and fear, relax and be lost in the world of health and beauty.




– Many adults are afraid to smile because of crooked teeth and complain that their parents ought to have paid more attention to this problem. And now it’s a sort of awkward and embarrassing to wear brackets...


– Orthodontics is evolving all the time and every year the world sees introduction of increasingly interesting and innovative methods capable of helping the patients of all ages.

Crooked teeth and malalignment are not psychological problems only. Disturbed bite aggravates gum diseases, gives rise to dental caries development due to impossibility of adequate hygiene, results in excessive dental abrasion, complicates prosthetics and sometimes makes it impossible. But the worst part is that disturbed bite can result in functional abnormality of temporomandibular joint – the most complex joint in the human body. So first of all you should think of bite correction benefits, not of aesthetic problems connected with this procedure.





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– Please tell us more about Invisalign system.


Invisalign is a clinically proven no-brace system for teeth alignment, which involves use of transparent aligners (more simply, removable caps). Individual caps are made for each patient. Tooth displacement principle is based on the succession of aligners.

Patients support this procedure perfectly well without the slightest discomfort. In addition, results of the research conducted show that aligners pose minimum threat of dental caries.




– What are the features and benefits of this system in your clinic?


– High-quality diagnosis, accurate treatment planning and detailed elaboration are three pillars we lean on for effective and eye-catching results. Invisalign can help fixing of various orthodontic problems including snagged crowded teeth or gaps between them. Thanks to transparent, removable and comfortable aligners, treatment has no effect on daily living and treatment process itself is hidden from other people.





– Another touchy problem – missing teeth ... What should I do? What about this problem?




– Implantology is an embodiment of restorative dentistry, which deals with functional and aesthetic replacement of lost teeth. Implant dentistry plays the first violin in the world of dentistry. Fortunately, today we have an opportunity to both replace one missing tooth and restore the function and beauty of edentulous jaw. Loss of one or more teeth causes a chain reaction of processes resulting in negative consequences both from physiological and cosmetic point of view. That is why our specialists take every effort to help everyone. We have implants from the United States, Germany, Korea, and Israel.




– Please tell about Lumineers, their advantages, and situations where they are used.


– Lumineers are ultra-thin porcelain veneers, which make it possible to create white, smooth, and beautiful teeth. Their advantage is that they are no thicker than a contact lens: their thickness is only 0.3 mm, while veneers are 0.5 mm thick. Ultra-thin Lumineers provide patients with a no-grinding, or just slightly contouring, option for teeth preparation for the procedure. Another equally important benefit – matching patient’s teeth colors and shapes. Lumineers help to create a beautiful Hollywood smile.

One more advantage – Lumineers are as strong as tooth enamel, and can serve its owner for twenty or more years. Moreover, Lumineers’ surface has no micro cracks.

Lumineers – US technology with the head laboratory in the United States; in Europe there are only 2 certified clinics: one of which is in Switzerland. I visited the Swiss laboratory, saw where and how Lumineers are made and studied the technology.

Lumineers go on just like natural teeth, show similar reaction to effects of temperature while taking food or external temperature drops. Care is similar to regular tooth care. In addition, the laboratory issues a personal five-year certificate and warranty for Lumineer material. To date, use of Lumineers is one of the most effective ways to bring back the beauty without causing harm to the teeth.





We know

how to make your smile a Hollywood smile!

6, Keremet Micro-district, Almaty

Along Nauryzbai Batyr Str.,

short of Timiryazev Str.

Tel.: 237-95-85









Корифей стоматологии Казахстана


С удивительным человеком познакомила нас судьба. Максут Абуович ТЕМИРБАЕВ, видный ученый-стоматолог, академик Международной академии стоматологов, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, по праву и заслуженно считается корифеем стоматологии в нашей стране.








Благотворительное медобслуживание от госпиталя «КАНГНАМ СЕВЕРАНС»


В начале июля алматинцы и гости южной столицы имели возможность бесплатно проконсультироваться у южно-корейских врачей из клиники «Кангнам Северанс», встречу которых организовал КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби.








Объединимся, чтобы победить туберкулез!


Интенсивная и целенаправленная работа всех смежных структур по реализации комплекса противотуберкулезных мероприятий за последние 10 лет позволили добиться значительных позитивных изменений основных эпидемиологических показателей.




Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова,16В


Тел.:  +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.: +7 702 765 20 00

            + 7 777 276 64 32


e-mail: novaera01@bk.ru

Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»


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