О нас



# 1 (21) 2018









Мукан ЕГИЗБАЕВ: «Программа  «Денсаулык»–динамика развития в  ЮКО»


Mukan EGIZBAYEV: Densauly Program – Development Dynamics in the South Kazakhstan Region



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Our mission is quality perinatal care


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Turkestan  Medical  College




Asel ABDIKULOVA: I want to give joy to people


Mukan Egizbayev: Densauly Program – Development Dynamics in the South Kazakhstan Region


Наша  миссия  –  качественная  перинатальная  помощь


Ергали ОРМАНОВ: Клиника, которая дарит улыбку


Гаухар УКБАЕВА: Здоровье детей – наша забота


Рахмат МУСИРАЛИЕВ: Не бойтесь идти к профессионалам


Здоровье пациента прежде всего


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Мы заботимся о здоровье


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Сандугаш РУСТЕМОВА: На страже здоровья


Туркестанский медицинский колледж



Асель  АБДИКУЛОВА: Я хочу дарить радость людям




I want to give joy to people






Assel, tell me, where was the start point in your business biography?


After the premature demise of my father, my sister and I had to help my mother. I was 8 years old.My mother worked day and night; she had her own shop for sewing Kazakh national clothes, which employed 15 craftsmen. I looked after my small brothers, did household duties, cooked food and my sister helped my mother in the clothing studio. During the holidays I was sent to the village, where I learned to paint on stones. I loved drawing at school. At the same time, I got interested in sewing.When the masters of the studio left for dinner, I went into the shop and sewed dresses to the dolls, it happened that my sewing used to be broken though my fault. Watching the seamstresses working, I learned how to sew. I am self-made person, no one taught me this craft, because my mother did not have time for that. Gradually I was improving my skills in sewing.After the death of my father, the shop was operating for about 4.5 years and then closed. My mother began to work as a manager in a restaurant. We decided to open a cafe. When I saw how difficult the life was for my mother andsister, I started working. Afterwards, we worked as waitresses in a cafe, and as maids and nannies.Despite the fact that the sewing studio was closed, my mother had her own clients, and she took orders for sewing clothes at home. We helped our beloved mommy.My sister got married when she was 19 years.Hard times began in my life; I worked in different spheres (saleswoman, nanny, cashier). All responsibility for the family lay on my shoulders. When I finished 11thgrade, my brother invited me to be a soloist of the Voyage band. We performed at weddings and at various other events. I sewed costumes for performances myself. For two years we were engaged in such creative activity at weddings. I did not train to be a designer purposefully, but I have always sewed beautiful new suits myself.And one day I received my first order for an evening dress.Even 80 cm from the rest of the material was enough for me to sew a dress for myself. I noticed that everyone likes beautiful dresses, women are interested in it, and I decided to try to draw sketches of evening dresses.According to these sketches, I started sewing myself.I drew on anything; all the school notebooks were full of drawings.Then I went to study for a lawyer, but changed my mind and took up a major of defectologist. It was my sister's profession. My mom gave money for 3 courses of education.But I left the university without telling my mother. I added my savings to my mother's money and invested in my business; I bought materials and founded my online store. My mother found it out and, of course, took offense at me.I was very stubborn in achieving my goal.







Do you produce your own dresses, who is helping you to do that?


I started my first job at home.The first order was made by a girl from Semey, she really liked my dress. My mum understood me, supported and began to help.The number of orders started to grow, we opened the studio. We had an empty premise just close to our home, we gathered the craftsmen, which were managed by my mother.I dealt with orders, sketches, invented templates and cut the materials. Once I uploaded my sketches of dresses to the online store, I noticed that other people copy them. I decided to open my own designer store of evening dresses together with a small sewing workshop. A couple of months later I made a collection, designed the showcases, mannequins and managed the staff.My mother is my most important teacher!She has always told me that any dressmaker can sew, but not everyone is capable to come up with a style, draw designs and sketches, do her own template and combine materials.My mother has always entrusted me expensive materials for decoration with beads, lace and rhinestones. She has always advised me and explained what materials are “capricious” for sewing, that is, they are difficult to sew with a sewing machine and there are special needles for such materials; what sewing machines are better and what features they have. The mom taught me embroidery, because she used to draw Kazakh national patterns.I learned from her a lot about the work of a seamstress, about a variety of clothes and, of course, how to communicate with clients. Herself she used to make the templates.And now I use them in my work and they are a valuable treasure for me.I am grateful to her for everything.Clients of different figures approach us while not all of them are 90x60x90.We help them to hide the defects of the figure and unveil the beauty of each lady.We let them feel “stunning”, we emphasize the waist, elegance and dignity of their figure.







I know that you have clients from otherregions of Kazakhstan.Tell us more aboutit.


 Two girls from Kyzylorda placed many orders and opened a store under my name Abdikulova Style. Many orders have been made from other cities of Kazakhstan too. The clients sent their measurements / dimensions and my team sewed products to these orders without fitting.




How did you come up with the idea of creating your own musical ensemble?


In my creative life I met many talented people in this field and gained additional knowledge for myself. I used to dance in my childhood and when my mother brought karaoke discs from China, I began to sing. I cleaned the house to the music and songs.Even now I do not work without music. In 2011, I won the title of “Miss School”.At that time, I was the host of school concerts as I was very active in school.

We have a lot of talented girls in Kazakhstan. I sewed costumes for the stage and decided to create an ensemble “Bayan Sulu”. I did not tell anything to my mum because she had to save at that time (we had a loan of KZT 2.5 million for the purchase of the house).She was really worried about her two sons who are in school, and she experienced a hard time. My project required money. I worked a lot, I asked my sister to lend some money. I have always been consulting with my sister, and now, at last, I have saved up my money.I chose music myself, I prepared music settings, then I arranged a casting and found talented and beautiful girls with amazing voices. My mother did not use the Internet and she did not know about this project.I think she would not give the green light to it.After all, she knows that creativity is not an easy thing. When I performed myself in Voyage Duet, I came home late. I worked day and night, I spent much time in the studio and felt sleepy during the day. As the time passed by, my mother found out everything and again I offended my mother. I thought like when everything is ready, I will tell it then. My mother again supported and helped me.

The girls in the Band were active but sometimes showed their character. It was difficult to work.I did not have experience in directing nor production.I have always been looking for talented girls; I taught them how to keep themselves on a stage and how to behave in front of the camera. For 7 months we rehearsed every day we took photos and videos.We have performed at weddings and other events.I love the creativity and this is my vocation.I am the happiest person in what I am dedicated to.I like to give happiness and joy to people.

I am now invited as a model and a designer to appear in commercials.This is a good achievement for me.







Do you create your own dresses for your ensemble.Where do you get ideas and national patterns?


I learned this from my mother. I have the sketches that my mother drew. Mom is an example for me and I'm happy about it.




Who supports you and who do you work with?


My family is my team.They do support me and this is our family tradition.






Could you please tell usabout your future undertakings?


I have always dreamed of being a famous person, helping people and supporting them. When I was a child, I lost my family members. I was supported only by my family. Probably, I was not an excellent pupil at school and did not always have time to accomplish my homework, but I managed to help my mother with household duties, to advise clients of the shop to find and choose their style, to give them a smile and I managed to open Bayan Sulu Band. My mom helped me with everything. I am happy and fortunate, because I have my mother, and wonderful sisters and brothers, who have always support me in everything.For them and for the sake of my family, I will be strong and will work hard so that they never feel alone in life. I need to work hard to materialize my plans: I have my own style pattern and my own uncompleted sketches against which

 I can make a collection and fashion show of Kazakh national clothes, patterns and ornaments.I want to support talented people and give them a joy.




Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова, 16В


Тел.:      +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.:     +7 702 765 20 00

                  +7 777 276 64 32


e-mail:  novaera01@bk.ru




Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»

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