О нас



# 1 (21) 2018









Мукан ЕГИЗБАЕВ: «Программа  «Денсаулык»–динамика развития в  ЮКО»


Mukan EGIZBAYEV: Densauly Program – Development Dynamics in the South Kazakhstan Region



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Saken KATBAEV: Achievements of oncological service of the South Kazakhstan Region in recent years


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Mukan Egizbayev: Densauly Program – Development Dynamics in the South Kazakhstan Region


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Saken KATBAEV: Achievements of oncological service of the South Kazakhstan Region in recent years






Saken Arystanovich, tell us about the significance of the oncological service for today.


Thanks to the Head of State, the entry of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the thirty most developed countries of the world for 26 years of our independence becomes a reality, not a fairy tale, this epoch-making event is the result of the materialized aspirations and hopes of many generations of our people. As it is said in the seventh paragraph “Human capital is the basis of modernization” of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on January 10, 2018, the “First-class health care and a healthy nation. With the increase in the life expectancy of the population and the development of medical technologies, the volume of consumption of medical services will grow. Modern health care should focus more on prevention of diseases, rather than on expensive hospital treatment. We need to strengthen the management of public health, promoting healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to adopt a comprehensive plan to combat cancer and create a scientific oncological center.”

“Highly effective early diagnosis and treatment of cancer should be provided following the international best practices. It is necessary to carry out the same work that we conducted in cardiology and fight against tuberculosis and obstetrics.”

To date, Salamatty Kazakhstan-2050 State Program is being implemented.

 With a view to implementing the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan within Densauly State Health Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, No. 176 dated January 15, 2016, and the Action Plan for the implementation of the State Program approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 143 dated March 16, 2016, the Regional Road Maps for 2016-2018 were approved with a view of early detection of cancer, timely special treatment, health improvement, reduction of mortality, prolongation of patients' life for 5 years or more.

All indicators are achieved and they are the best ones in the Republic of Kazakhstan.








 What can you tell us about the activities of the dispensary?


Our dispensary is one of the medical institutions involved in the treatment of cancer diseases and has the latest technological equipment and highly qualified specialists in the South Kazakhstan Region. The dispensary is located in a very convenient building, this building used to be a medical sanatorium in the past. Currently, the hospital has 211 beds and the polyclinic can receive 150 patients.Our dispensaryhas two medical departments of the Kazakh-Turkish International University and the South Kazakhstan State Medical Pharmaceutical Academy.Our dispensary employs 4 professors, 12 candidates of medical sciences, 5 outstanding workers of public health. There are approximately 3 million people in our region, over 13 thousand of them are registered with us under D Category, more than 9,000 patients are treated yearly, and unfortunately, the number of cancer patients is increasing every year. This year we plan to move to an additional new building.




What is the statistics of oncological diseases for today in the world, republic and in your area?


If we talk about statistics on a global scale, then the incidence of cancer is diagnosed in 14.1 million of the world's population. It turns out that every day the cancer is detected in 38, 630 people. About 8.2 million patients die of cancer every year, about 22 466 of them die in one day. The highest prevalence of cancer is in the United States, which is 318 (per 100,000 population), in Canada 295.7, in Italy 278.6, in the European Union 273.5, the highest death rate in Russia is 117.1 (per 100,000 population), in the European Union 109,4, in the USA 105, in Canada 103,2.

Every year about 36,865 new cases of oncological diseases are registered in our country, about 42 patients with cancer diseases are registered every day. According to these two indicators, our region is considered to have one of the lowest number in the republic.







Do the indicators of oncological service affect the rating of city mayors of all levels and what these indicators are?


Yes, they do. Five indicators of the quality of oncological activity are indicated. In particular:

1. The percentage of detection of cancer in the first stage (should increase).

2. The percentage of detection of cancer in the first and second stages (should increase).

3. The percentage of detection of oncological diseases of visual localization in the third and fourth stages (should decrease).

4. Total mortality from cancer (should decrease).

5. Increase in life expectancy of cancer patients for 5 years and above (should increase).

Following the results of 12 months of 2017, we achieved a positive result in all the above indicators.




Recently, we often hear that oncological diagnosis is not a sentence. What is the meaning of this expression?


As the Head of State noted, in order to improve the health of our citizens, it is necessary to develop the healthcare system. Primary Health Care (PHC) activities, including screening and preventive examinations benefit and identify early oncological diseases and other tumors and diseases and contribute the timely treatment.

Currently, new technologies are being introduced to treat the cancer. The operation for preservation of body parts and lymphodissection are performed for all parts of the body, the TUR apparatus is used for bladder tumors; radiofrequency thermoablation treats metastatic damage of the liver and lungs and tumors in the early stages and a circular stapler is used for a tumor in the rectum, the reinfusion GATS Device is used.

There is high-tech medical care (HTMC). Complex operations are performed on tumors in the liver, pancreas, bladder and larynx. Chemical antitumor drugs are used through the blood vessels, it is used to treat a tumor of the liver, kidney, uterus, lungs and brain; there is an angiography for the lungs and brain. Angiography is an x-ray study of blood vessels. With the help of angiography, tumors can be detected.

For example, if you look at the statistics, according to the 2000 report on the incidence of cancer by 99.8 per

 100 000 population, the detection in the early 1-2st stage was 31.5%; the death rate was 76.7 per 100 000 population, and life expectancy of cancer patients for 5 years and more was 35.0% (for the Republic of Kazakhstan, the incidence of cancer is 191.7 per 100 000 population, the definition in the early 1-2 stages is 30.9%, the mortality was 133.4 per 100 000 population, and the life prolongation of oncological patients for 5 years and more was 31.3%).

According to the report for 2017, the incidence of cancer in the region is 106.9 per 100 000 population; the detection in the early 1-2 stages was 51.9%; the mortality was 53.5 per 100 000 population and the life expectancy of cancer patients for 5 years and more was 47,6% (in 2016, the incidence of cancer in the Republic of Kazakhstan was 206.8 per 100 000 population; the mortality rate was 84.9 per 100,000 population, and the life expectancy of cancer patients for 5 years (five-year survival rate) and more was 47.9%).

Therefore, every second person can enjoy life prolongation for 5 years or more, there is an increase in the percentage of detection at an early stage, given the guarantee of curing 80-100% of cancer patients. According to the director of the Institute of Carcinogenesis Research Center of the Russian Cancer Research Center D.G. Zaridze “One third of all malignant tumors is associated with nutrition”, while the oncologist K.A. Abisatov believes that 95% of cancer is due to premalignant diseases, “It shows that the diagnosis of cancer is not a sentence, so it is very important to start taking measures to prevent cancer”.







What can you say about screening surveys?


Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued the order dated December 25, 2017 No. 995 “On Amendments and Additions to the Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 10, 2009, No. 685” On Approval of the Rules for Conducting Preventive Medical Examinations of Target Populations. “It lists the diseases for which early detection will be the goal: breast cancer (mammography in two projections), cervical cancer (smear on oncocytology), in 2017 – 53,561 women aged 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 should be screened for breast cancer in our Region; for 2018 this number is 95,871 women aged 40-70 years (frequency of every 2 years), for cervical cancer 129,470 women aged 30-70 years should be screened with a frequency of 1 time in 4 years). The number of screenings has increased in this regard; the scope of work has doubled. This requires employment of additional staff and its training. To this end, we have now recruited 3 renal physicians and 2 cytology doctors and we are going to recruit 2 more X-ray doctors. We have set up a special commission to monitor the systemic and qualitative screening examinations. This commission meets weekly and monitors the situation.




According to “Road Map” State Program, the oncology service is divided into three levels, tell us a little bit more about it?


Primary Health Care (PHC) as one of the leading tools for achieving a health strategy for all, and two indicators are given to monitor the results of implemented activities; the first level is to increase the detection rate of early stage of oncological diseases, the second level is to decrease the share of detected cancer diseases within visual localizations in the third and fourth stages. The second level is included in the authority of the regional cancer clinic, the patients who are diagnosed with cancer are register as D Category, and we explain them the need for special treatment. On top of the above indicators, there is a decrease in the proportion of deaths and increase in the five-year survivals of patients. At the third level, High-Tech Medical Care (HTMC) is provided to patients, if possible, at the oncology dispensary or at the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology. In 2018, our dispensary received permission to conduct the HTMC for 107 patients.




What issues need to be addressed to improve the oncology service of the region?


First, we need a dispensary for 350 people that meets international standards. The regional administration is working in this area; the documents are being prepared and construction is scheduled for 2020. Secondly, in order to increase the early detection of cancer and provide special treatment and quality of High-Tech Medical Care, it is necessary to equip the dispensaries with new equipment. Thirdly, we need to modernize the measures for primary health care. As the Head of State said, it is necessary to develop the health care system. We should resume the PHC activities, including screening and preventive examinations and oncocurators' work in the regions and cities of the region as well as the work of monitoring groups.

Given the above information, I believe that every citizen of Kazakhstan should understand the importance of responsibility for his or her health and keep a healthy lifestyle and diet, take preventive and screening examinations in a timely manner and regularly see doctors to check one's health. Accordingly, the rate of early detection of cancer diseases will increase by 70-80% and life prolongation of cancer patients for 5 years and more can be increased to 65-75%.




Адрес редакции:


Республика Казахстан, 050026, г. Алматы,

ул. Кожамкулова, 16В


Тел.:      +7 (727)233 50 42


Моб.:     +7 702 765 20 00

                  +7 777 276 64 32


e-mail:  novaera01@bk.ru




Издается  с января 2014 г.

Зарегистрирован в Министерстве культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Регистрационное свидетельство №15904-Ж от 25.03. 2016 г.

Собственник и издатель – ИП «Костина И.А.»

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